Custom/bespoke app development is the process of developing and maintaining an app exclusively for one business. The app can be developed by an in-house team or an outsourced team. Every business will have unique goals and requirements irrespective of its size, and an off-the-shelf app with predesigned features may not be able to fulfil all of them. This also means that the business that uses this app will have to pay for features that it will not be using. This is where a custom app comes in.
A business can get a custom app designed with only the features that it wants in the app. Being unique, the app will offer the business a competitive advantage. However, despite being around for many years and offering the aforementioned benefits, the field of custom app development is shrouded in myths that discourage many businesses from investing in these apps. If you are one of those businesses, we have dispelled some of those myths here for you:
Developing It Is Time-Consuming
This is not true for all custom apps. A custom app is made to fulfil the specific requirements of a business. The time that is required to develop this app depends on the number and the complexity of the features the app needs to have to fulfil a business’s requirements.
It Is Expensive
This is the most popular myth about custom apps as a result of which most businesses cease to invest in them and instead buy a predesigned off-the-shelf app. An off-the-shelf app is cheap to buy but expensive to upgrade, and not all of its features will be useful to businesses. Not every custom app is expensive – its price differs from business to business. The price of a custom app depends on the number of its features.
It Is Fit To Be Launched And Used Only Once It Is Completely Bug-Free
App developers are only human. Every developer strives to create a perfect app for his clients, but glitches still creep in. Fixing bugs in an app is a continuous process like updating it. You cannot wait for your custom app to become completely bug-free to launch it. By doing that you will only end up delaying the launch of your app. By the time you launch your app, your competitors would have already launched theirs and gained an advantage over you.
The More The Number Of Its Developers, The Faster It Will Be Developed
When it comes to custom app development, the inverse is true. The more the number of members on the app’s development team, the more will be the chances of miscommunication among them which will slow down the process of development.
Its Development Process Ends After Its Launch
Once an app has been developed, the next step is to launch it on app stores and promote it to give it visibility. Once your custom app starts getting downloads, you should start monitoring its user feedback on social media sites and app stores and incorporate the feedback into the app to improve its user experience. The better your app’s user feedback is, the higher it will be ranked and the more visibility and downloads it will get on app stores.
It Is Not Secure
Data security is an important concern for every business today. When you choose a custom app, you can rest assured of the safety of sensitive data on it. One custom app is designed and used by only one business. Only that business will know the app’s code, making it impossible for hackers to hack into it.
It Does Not Need To Be Tested
A lot of businesses ignore testing their custom apps before launching them to avoid paying a fortune for the process. However, spending this money is beneficial for businesses in the long run as this process can help them to catch and fix glitches in the app in advance and save their reputation from getting damaged by a malfunctioning app.