E-commerce best Practices – Make Better your Online Sales with these Strategies

E-commerce best Practices – Make Better your Online Sales with these Strategies

For every online marketer, maximising the number of sales is the ultimate goal. Optimising conversion rate is one of the best things you can do to enhance your online sales. In order to make better your conversion rate, you need to follow some eCommerce best practices. Make sure to test them to see if they work or not so that you can get the best results.


Let’s check some eCommerce best practices:


Good user experience

Good user experience

Good user experience is a must to make an e-commerce business successful. Make sure your site loads very quickly, user-friendly, and looks good. If the shoppers have a bad experience with your website, they will leave the website never return to again.


Use high-quality product images

Use high-quality product images

Images are one of the factors due to which online store loses sales. As online shoppers are unable to touch the products physically, they examine the photos closely so that they have a better view of the product. Low-quality images can’t offer better view when the customers try to zoom-in. If you are using low-quality images, make sure to replace with professional high-quality images.


Add trust badges

Add trust badges

Displaying trust badges on your website is an effective way to make lower the perceived risk associated with buying from your website. When you have trust badges, the worries of the customers whether or not to believe in your website gets eliminated as it indicates the legitimacy of the website and the trust factor gets in. You can use different recognised trust badges to influence trust of your customers on multiple levels. Make sure to use trust badges relevant to your business.


Provide genuine reviews from real customers

Provide genuine reviews from real customers

The features and benefits you provide in the product description no doubt claim how good your products are, but shoppers take it for granted only after going through the customer reviews. Product description without reviews decreases the trust related to the performance and quality of the products. Make sure that you provide real reviews, be it positive or negative. Only positive reviews may arouse suspicion in minds of the shoppers.


Make it easy to get help and contact you

Make sure to display your online store’s contact information such as address, official phone no, email ids, customer care number, etc. Displaying contact information clearly offers a strong indication that there is a real person at the other end who can be contacted if needed. Also, offer in details about your shipping policy, return policy etc. so that there remains no confusion.

Make it easy to get help and contact you


Add live chat support feature

Add live chat support feature

During online shopping, most shoppers have questions that provide impact on their purchasing decisions. Live chat feature is in trend now-a-days in the eCommerce environment and is very beneficial, as well. Whenever customers have any question regarding a product or any other purchase-related thing, shoppers can get answers to their queries instantly.


Make your website responsive

The website of your e-commerce business should be responsive to any device of any screen size and resolution. As people indulge in online shopping using

Make your website responsive

various mobile devices, it is very important that your website adapts to any screen size so that shoppers can browse your website without any difficulty.


Use an omnipresent search bar

Use an omnipresent search bar

Make sure that the search bar is clearly visible to the shoppers so that they don’t have to look for it whenever they need to search any product. You should help the shoppers find the products they want to buy. Shoppers who use the search option are more likely to get converted.


Simple checkout process

Having a simple checkout process is very necessary to make better your online sales. The simpler the checkout process, the better is the conversion rate of your

Simple checkout process

online store. A significant percentage of shoppers abandon the shopping cart due to complicated checkout process. The checkout process should be simple as well as quick. Otherwise, your prospective customers will lose their patience, abandon the shopping cart and move to other website.

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