In this business world where data really matters a lot, everyone wants to create effective data visualization. Data visualization is not only about displaying data. It’s about displaying data in such a way that becomes easier for the audience to comprehend. The visual representation should provide the real value.
With the technology available today, the amount of data that are being created is growing at a rapid pace as businesses and people are connecting online more. Businesses want to have data-driven decisions to make better their businesses.
However, before doing any data visualization for your organization, you should know very well ‘why’ you’re doing this. Knowing why you are creating the visualization and the intended outcome are very important to make the data visualization the most effective. The same holds true when you visualize your data through maps. If the data behind a map is collected poorly and the story the map conceive is also poor, the time and energy you have put to visualize your data just turn futile.
In order to escape from such data fail, here are some useful tips to create useful data visualization through maps:
• Begin with ‘Why
When you do data visualization through maps, make sure that define the narrative you want to create around the visualization along with the message you want to resonate with the audience who will view it. For someone who wants to take an action should know what should be the next step.
• Collect, Mix and Match the Data
Collect the data you require to tell the story through map visualization. The most important insights often come from combining various data sets. Consider the sources which you feel valuable for the data you want to do the visualization.
• Analyze the Data
Make sure that the data you’re using is organized consistently and uniform in the units being used. To create a story to show where different events occurred, you can provide links to photos, content or any other interesting details. You can even choose from the different visualization tools that are available as per your requirement to create the best map visualization.
• Create the Story
Make sure that you create a story that allows the audience to understand the information you are trying to convey through the visualization and allow the audience to take action. It should be simple and quick to quick to understand.
If you really want to remain at the top of your game, ensure that you stay updated on the best practices and the latest trends that make a data visualization through maps the most effective.