Having an effective landing page is an essential part of successful online marketing. When you have a good landing page, it attracts the attention of the website visitors and compels them to make the purchase.
What is a landing page?
A landing page is the first web page that your target customers land after clicking an ad, search engines, emails, social media, or any other online source. Such a page is also used to introduce products or services with the focus to generate leads or sales. As a landing page contains actionable CTA and contact form, it helps in increasing the conversion rate of an eCommerce business.
Tips to create landing pages that convert
However, creating a landing page is not that easy as it seems to be. Certain things should be taken into consideration while creating a landing page that converts. Here are some tips for creating landing pages:
• Craft a compelling headline
The first thing the visitors see after landing on your website is the headline. If you’re successful to grab their attention through the headline, they’re going to stay at the page and read more. To make your opening line stand out, you should use catchy words and unique statement. It should create a sense of urgency and that it will offer value when they read the whole content.
• Short, simple and uncluttered
A great landing page offers all the necessary information in a short and simple way. You shouldn’t overwhelm the visitors by proving too much information that makes them leave the page. Provide information that will interest your visitors.
• Clean, organised design
The overall look of the page has a great impact on the effectiveness of a landing page and how well it converts. You should create a clear, crisp design with all the necessary information. The navigation should be kept simple and pop-ups should not arise between the website visitor and conversion.
• Clear call-to-action
Put a clear call-to-action that tells the visitors what you exactly want them to do. You can use call-to-action both in headline text and bottom text. CTA is generally the second biggest opportunity after the headline to improve your conversion rate. Keep it short to make it more compelling.
• Ask for minimum information
When it comes to collecting information, you want to collect lots of data about your potential customer as an online marketer. But in case of an effective landing, the less information you ask, the better is the chance of conversion. So, making sure that you ask for less information in the form will get you more conversions.
• Use responsive design
As people these days use different devices to do online shopping and other things online, using responsive design to make the landing page and that looks good is extremely necessary. If the landing page doesn’t respond to the user’s device, it will cost your leads as well as sales.
• Add trust elements
Trust is another important factor to make your landing page effective. The visitors need to trust you before they click on the call-to-action. So, you should use a variety of social proof elements and trust builders such as testimonials and reviews, success stories of customers, number of subscribers, number of social shares, client logos, third-party certifications, and security badges.
• Perform test
Testing the landing pages over and over again will help you create landing pages that convert. A/B testing of the landing page will let you know how well your landing page is performing. Just a single change can make a whole lot of difference and make better the conversion. So, keep testing more and more!