Tips for Creating Engaging Email Newsletter

In today’s eCommerce business world where there is a tough competition going on, email newsletters can be a great help. Carefully-crafted, niche-driven newsletters engage your audiences and develop a customer base that keeps growing.

As the email newsletters are targeted, consistent and personal, keeping your audience engaged is possible by keeping them informed about your business, products, services etc. on a regular basis. Offering good newsletters is a vital part of email as well as overall marketing strategy.

Useful Tips

However, newsletters are effective only when it’s perfectly designed and well executed. Though it seems to be quite easy, there are certain things that should be taken into consideration while designing an email newsletter. The key elements that make an email newsletter good are relevant, interesting and valuable. Here are a few tips which you could follow while creating an email newsletter:

• Know your focus

You need to choose the focus of the newsletter as it plays a crucial role in making the newsletter engaging. So, it’s important to know the audience for whom you’re going to create the newsletter. Once you figure out who your audience is, what type of topics they like etc., you can determine what you should focus on in the newsletter. You can test different versions of the newsletter and even conduct a survey with your existing audience what they would like to read.

• Simple and catchy

As people spend less time to read an email newsletter in comparison to a white paper or a blog post, you should make sure that your audience understands what you’re trying to tell as soon as they open the newsletter. Keep the content of the newsletter straightforward and simple as simplicity is the key to readability.

• Look good
In order to make your audience click on the email newsletter, read and come back, you need to pay attention to the design of the newsletter. The layout of the newsletter should be visually appealing and highlight the important parts with illustrations, high-resolution photos and interesting colour schemes. The newsletters you create should be compatible with mobile devices as a significant percentage of the audience are mobile users.

• Provide original and useful information
Make sure the content you offer should be original and creative. Many companies make the mistake of creating newsletter out of old material. You should create value to the newsletter by putting content that is based on proper research.

• Be consistent
In order to create a consistent reader base, make sure you keep them satisfied. Offer scheduled content and stick to a publishing schedule and create a pool of creative, unique content so that the readers open your newsletter and read. You should be able to establish trust by providing your audience with high-quality content.