The rapid migration of manufacturers and wholesalers to the online platform is making a significant growth in B2B eCommerce industry. You need to have a strong online presence, offer your customers attracting deals and provide a seamless user experience. The ultimate goal of B2B retailers is to make better their sales which can’t be achieved quickly and without making an effort. There are lots of factors that need to be taken into consideration to offer a better sense of customer engagement and enhance your sales. Only having a presence online will not suffice to become successful in this competitive B2B eCommerce world.
Here are some potential ways to increase sales in an eCommerce business:
• Matrix ordering
Catalogue simplicity is what you can do with matrix ordering which most B2B customers are becoming used too. Matrix ordering can be done through multiple attributes or through quantity and size discounts. There are various other ways to make matrix ordering work and make it simpler for your customers to order goods of large quantities that too of multiple SKUs.
• Volume order discounts
Though many businesses offer major discounts to most customers, you can take it to another level by offering volume order discounts apart from the major discounts.
• Consumer like user experience
Though clients have different purchasing requirements and that too complex ones, you need to make sure to offer your customers a user-friendly interface and easy navigation. It’s high time for B2B marketers to focus on high-quality designs and easy to use eCommerce website.
• Personalised corporate discounts
Offering personalised discounts to your clients can make better your B2B sales. When the customers get personalised offers, they are keen to buying with you rather than going to another site. But you need to ensure that discounts you offer are clear as well as competitive so that you can entice your customers to buy from you and that too in large quantities.
• Multiple shipping options
As B2B orders are larger in quantities, it may require freight. So, make sure to optimise the shipping options through freight so that they can choose the speed they want and the cost they are willing to pay. Doing so can help you to make better your sales.
• Integrations
For the success of a B2B eCommerce store, integrations play a vital role. You need to have custom integration system so that handling the complex requirements of integrations get easier. Without a proper integration, you won’t be able to scale your B2B eCommerce operations and grow your sales.
• Incredible search
As B2B customers are very clear about the products they need to purchase, they don’t waste their time to find the products. For the customers who know the products they have to buy, search is the best method to offer the buyers the quickest path. You can implement search solutions that are available these days without burning your pocket which offers incredible search solution.
• High-quality product information
Though it seems obvious, many B2B companies fail to provide high-quality information about the products. B2B customers won’t buy products with less information. Just providing the price, image and short description is not enough to have good sales. Offer detailed descriptions of the products and offer high-quality multiple images.
• Easy reordering
The reordering procedure should be simple and can be completed within a few clicks. As B2B customers may reorder the same products again and again, they should be able to reorder those easily after logging in to their accounts.
• Quoting capabilities
Not every B2B buyers would buy the products instantly. For larger orders, they may want a quote and compare it with others to get the best deal. Make sure to offer ‘quote’ feature which can help you make better your sales.
• Great account pages functionality
Account pages serves various purposes such as ability to view pending orders, check whether the products have shipped or not, returning of products, reordering of products etc. In fact, account pages are critical to the success of a B2B eCommerce business. It should be looked upon seriously in order to grow your business.