A business can do visualization through maps for various reasons. But the most useful thing a business can achieve by doing data visualization through maps is to identify regional weaknesses.
When you run a business and identify the weaknesses in different regions easily, you can take steps to eliminate the weaknesses and make better your performance of the particular regions. Placing maps to your dashboard can offer entirely new methods of analyzing data which cannot be done with traditional chart types.
Map lets the audience see where certain data is actually present which is not possible when you see a pie chart or a normal bar graph.
Here are some other benefits of using maps in data visualization:
• Make easy data exploration
Data is useful only when people responsible to identify patterns can use it to the optimum. When you have a large volume of the data, it becomes quite a tedious task to understand the variables that require attention, keeping track of key performance indicators etc. When you use map visualization, you can present data in such a manner that it makes easier to identify, locate, format and communicate information more effectively.
• Offer crisp information
Using maps in data visualization allows you to offer information in a more consolidated way without missing any vital points. The audience can understand the information more clearly and extract the important information.
• Allow you to create a story
Offering information in the form of a story makes it easier for the audience to understand the complex data. They can map pins, plot data points, select and filter data elements, create text hovers, modify etc. The story created is based on the context and offers a bird’s eye view to the audience.
• Offer real-time insights
It’s a matter of just seconds to update information in real-time. When you have fresh information, you can make well-informed, timely decisions even in complex situations.
• Let you derive correlation
Users can identify patterns, trends and locations that require attention based on multiple data sets. It helps them to know the dynamic relationships.
• Help drive processes
Maps allow the users to know the key performance indicators and to accomplish the key performance indicators, as well. They can use the colour-coded information to represent each phase.
• Offers easy collaboration
As the most maps are cloud-based, multiple users can view as well as update maps at the same time. As you can update information in real-time, it leaves no inconsistency in viewing the map when different users use it from different locations.
• Know the progress
When you use maps, you can track metrics based on regions as the information you get are based on locations. Rather than taking a common approach, you can create strategies that are location specific.
Maps are an important asset of data visualization. When used properly, organizations can derive a great value which can help them take their business forward and reach the ladder of success in this data-driven competitive business world.